Our Staff


Prince William County is one of the top ten travel destinations in the Commonwealth of Virginia according to a 2019 Virginia Tourism Corporation study (based on total visitor spending). The County is home to over 38 square miles of dedicated open public space for recreation enthusiasts as well as rich history and popular attractions.

The Prince William County Office of Tourism's mission is "to inspire travelers to visit the County by promoting, developing and enhancing experiences; thereby contributing to a robust economy and creating opportunities for residents.

Each year, millions of dollars from visitor spending generate increased commerce, increased job opportunities, enhances residents' quality of life, and builds awareness for Prince William, Virginia.



The Office of Tourism staff is dedicated to promoting our local world-class attractions, year-round activities, and special events. We are committed to assisting everyone – from leisure and business travelers to tour professionals and members of the press – with the information and resources you need to make your trip, meeting, or story, memorable.

Kevin Costello | Director of Tourism | Blue box with the word 'in' for LinkedIn Social Media network  kcostello@pwcgov.org
Mark Kowalewski | Tourism Sales Manager |  Blue box with the word 'in' for LinkedIn Social Media network  mkowalewski@pwcgov.org
Susan Plattner | Tourism Office Coordinator   splattner@pwcgov.org
Michael Rojas | Sports Tourism Manager |  Blue box with the word 'in' for LinkedIn Social Media network  mrojas@pwcgov.org
Mike Stoupa | Tourism Sales Specialist |  Blue box with the word 'in' for LinkedIn Social Media network  mstoupa@pwcgov.org

Joey Pierce | Marketing Manager |  Blue box with the word 'in' for LinkedIn Social Media network

Alecia Kirby | Digital Marketing Specialist |  Blue box with the word 'in' for LinkedIn Social Media network



For general tourism questions, please e-mail Tourism@PWCGOV.org 

Prince William County Office of Tourism
14420 Bristow Road
Manassas, VA 20112 U.S.A
Direct: (703) 792-8420
